The co-selection, OFICIOS, is divided into six chapters, paying homage to artisanal crafts that have been forgotten in the age of mass production. We present six traditional crafts: Hilanderas (Spinners), Herreres (Blacksmiths), Alfareras (Potters), Carpinteres (Carpenters), Herboristas (Herbalists), and Shiringueres (Latex Tappers). Additionally, we selected six other talents to create variations using all the pieces from the co-selection for the show.
The purpose of OFICIOS is not to reclaim but to honor the dedication, tools, and garments that characterize artisans. Inspired by their meticulous work and deep connection with raw materials, Espíritu Club seeks to raise awareness among the public about the importance of conscious consumption and appreciating what endures.
The collection arises from a deep critique of the current world, where most objects are mass- produced using petroleum-based plastics, with devastating environmental impacts. We invite you to question whether we truly need so many objects, especially those produced under unjust and dehumanizing conditions. “We want to raise awareness so people understand the impact of their consumption decisions. We value what has a story, what endures over time, what is created with passion.
Going out into the streets to showcase ourselves, connecting with the people we encounter, because in the street, we can reveal who we truly are. Choosing the street for the runway show is about connecting with our public space called Sitio, where our studio is also located. It is a place where we offer alternatives for consumption, where we aim to raise awareness sustainably about the appreciation for passionately crafted work, the importance of eco-friendly practices, artisanal work, creative projects by migrants, and support for emerging ventures.
Read more about the sixs OFICIOS:
Chapter 01 Hilanderas
Chapter 02 Herreres
Chapter 03 Alfareras
Chapter 04 Carpinteres
Chapter 05 Herboristas
Chapter 06 Shiringueres
Stef (She/They, Netherlands)
Fabricio @MOONDOGISDEAD (He/They, Bolivia)
Andy @00000000000ANDY (She, Venezuela)
Carolina Ovando @ERRORTEMPORAL (She, Chile)
Rosana @ROSANABLOOMS (She, Barcelona)
PUÑÑÑAL @PUNNNAL (He/She/ They, Mexico)
Sandy Davis / Pecas @PECASMUSIC (She, United States)
Mara Mancini @MINHA.QUERIDA (She, Italy)
Iman Chliha @DOLOR.DE.MUELAS (She, Morocco)
Marco (He / Berlin)
Mani @MANITAPES (He/She, Equatorial Guinea)
Sonora @CALLMESONORA (She, Valencia)
Espíritu Club - Luciana Reynoso @lucianaxreynoso , Annika Sunne @sunneeeeeeeeee & Silva @5ilv4
Art Direction & Casting:
Andrea Sachs @andreaxsachs & Espíritu Club
Mookie @mooquidi & Parzubanil @parzubanil
Santiago Colorado @santiagocoloradoc
Video Direction & Edition:
Sofia Casals @zoficasals
Josefina del Villar @jo.delbrillar , Joana Fornós @gimmiehop & Giaco Suito @giacosuito
Lookbook Photo:
Giaco Suito @giacosuito
BTS Photo:
Lea Kundicevic @lealorea & Josefina del Villar @jo.delbrillar
Andrea Sachs @andreaxsachs
Styling Assistants:
Sara Miravete @sara.mrv & Nina Lvovskaya @levson_n
Cecile @cecilemar_ , Julieta @juliettedanslarue & Aitana Jacobs @aitanajacobs
Graphic Design:
Espíritu Club
Editorial Binding:
Ninja Papel @ninja.papel
Alexandra Bedoya @_postpost & Espíritu Club
Production Assistants:
María Camila Castellanos @estrellitatristeee , Francisca Rico @frannnbuesa___ , Anna lanau @annalanau , Mariana Aguilar @maguilarcas & Ton Cortiella @ton_cortiella
Technical Sound:
Vir Fidalgo @virfidalgo_
PR: Ana Fort @anafort6
Sofia Gnabasik @basik_bites , Sangre @lavaleriana.o7 & Cyclic @cyclicbeerfarm
Groc Projects @grocprojects_